Dear my younger self
I just received the email from my 2024 self two weeks ago. Every year, I write an email and set the time to send it to my one-year-older self. I have been doing that since about 2-3 years ago. This year, when I read the email from my younger self, I realized something, something that I've been told but never believed in: life has its own plan . I said that because what I am having currently is far different from what I ever thought about a year ago. And surprisingly, it is the best thing that happened to me. To continue my tradition, I am writing an email to my future self. Additionally, I have decided to write a message to my younger self, inspired by a poem by Jennae Cecelia about having coffee with her younger self on social media. I met my 2021 self for coffee at 10 am. She showed up on time, and so was I. She ordered a black coffee, I ordered the same. ...