Learning how to learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

Dear friend,  

This is a summary of the online course Learning How To Learn by Prof. Barbara Oakley and Prof. Terrence Sejnowski on Coursera. This course helps you to understand how your brain and your body work during the process of learning, and then find yourself effective ways to learn.

Module 5: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

Renaissance Learning and Unlocking Your Potential

There are mental tools to help strengthen your mind and overcome any tough subjects. These mental tools are free - you no need to pay anything but your consistency to achieve them.

  1. Do physical exercise. When you learn new things, your brain works and forms new neurons to memorize those. However, if you do not repeat what you learned, again and again, you will easily forget it - the new neuron connections just formed will gradually disappear. Alongside repeating your knowledge, you should also do physical exercise - that could help to strengthen your new neuron connection.
  2. The best way to remember anything is to understand the concept. Since our brains are good at remembering pictures and colors more than only words, you can try to visualize the information by creating the metaphor/analogy and connecting the new information with the old ones you already know.
  3. Make a test preparation checklist. A few days before your test, you can sit down with a pen and paper, then try to recall what you already learned in that subject. You can even imagine you are the teacher and give yourself the mock-test questions. By doing so, you can recognize which parts you forgot then re-study them. You also know which parts are important and pay more time for that.
  4. If you shift your thinking from “this test has made me afraid” to ”this test has got me excited to do my best”, it helps improve your performance. If you're panicked on a test, momentarily turn your attention to your breathing. Relax your stomach. Place your hand on it, and slowly draw a deep breath.
  5. Need to have enough sleep before tests! I just applied this final tool to my life recently, when I realized that I have not had enough sleep for a long time and it made my performance became worse. Whenever I get enough 8 hours of sleep at night, I feel energetic in the morning and easily learn/understand the lecture. I also got good grades in examinations if I had full sleep the nights before. Therefore, I personally think this one is the most powerful tool to unlock my potential and keep me mentally strong.
This is the end of the summary of "Learning How To Learning". I hope you learn new methods to make your study/work more efficient. You can review the previous modules here (using spaced repetition to make sure these come into your long-term memory):
Don't have time to read all these modules? Check out my post about Time-management and you will find your free time.
Enjoy your study and have enough sleep!

Be Brave!


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